Friday, December 22, 2006

News Vs. Entertainment

Just over the past 2 days I've come across various news articles, mails and TV clippings which question what is shown on News Channels. Are we being shown only stories that sell or are we actually seeing 'the truth and nothing but the truth' as it is so often called.

Got a forward from a friend on how the news about Major Manish H Pitambare was completely skipped and all that TV news channels were showing at that time were the Sanjay Dutt story. This link has the details and also other interesting articles - the link

Next is the link to the interview with George Galloway in which he ripped apart Sky News for their inaccurate report on the Israel-Lebanon crisis. It is people like him who make people like us to stop and think again - the link

The number of News Channels has just been increasing.
So who is telling us the True Story?

Watched Kabul Express y'day and there too, the theme was very similar. Each character beautifully portrays the characteristics of the country he/she is from. After watching the movie I've been interested in knowing more about what Taliban is, what Al Qaeda stands for and where it all began. This is one of the very interesting links that I came across. Do check out the training manual given here.
Also found this report from the BBC site.

Now its got me thinking....


  1. hi sri madam ... u have a great future as a journalist...nice post yaar ...

  2. hey thanks buddy!
    journalism... hm... I was thinking more like terrorism - jus kidding :)
