Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Too much

Too much happening... Don't know how many times I've said this in the past couple of weeks/months. The intensity of things going on, just seems to remain constant - if not reaching peaks. Chugging along, another milestone crossed with a great sigh of relief. The countdown to year-end thus continues.

Was looking for Charminar from the movie Morning Raaga. Though a short piece, the depth of the melody takes me to a different state everytime I listen to it.
At some point of time, in a totally different life, there was a need for a tune to wake up to... something that would help me begin the day in the right spirit and this was the tune of my choice. LOTS of memories associated with this tune.
Anway, searching by the title, I discovered this other song by X-Japan. Pretty good stuff :)

05/30/09 - Finally, an online version of the tune. Such a short piece, but such intensity!
Music --> Morning Raga --> Charminar


  1. Really nice to listen. Thanks for the song.

  2. thanks for stopping by. great blog u've got there. I enjoyed the popeye post & that artpad site is so cool :)

  3. Now is that still too much? Two Lines Theory :-)

  4. @ arun - like I told u, things are looking a bit better now... however considering the 2 lines theory - nothing's too much for me :)
    you take care!
