Friday, September 10, 2004

Expect too much !

Be it in films, in books or is just what people say but some believe that when u see a shooting star, if u make a wish, it’ll come true. So how many people have wasted away their time gazing at the starry sky trying to get a glimpse of a shooting star?
I too used to do it. Sit up all night watch in every direction, just to see if I can see something that atleast seems like a star with a blazing tail. Just imagine u sit up all night waiting eagerly for some slight movement in the sky but all u see is twinkling stars or worse, sometimes it just gets so cloudy that u can’t even see a decent star in the sky. So what do u do? Get disappointed? Get frustrated?
Don’t we all do this in our daily life too? Expect things? Everyone has their share of expectations. Hey we aren’t human if we don’t expect something for ourselves. We may expect something huge in life to happen once in a way or maybe just something small or trivial.
If what we expect happens, we are thrilled, over the top – but what in case it doesn’t happen that way? Don’t we reach rock bottom or rather a 1000ft below rock bottom and stay there till someone comes along to cheer us up?
So why do we still continue to have expectations? Why don’t we just learn to accept people for who they are, situations for what they are & things the way they are. Live one day at a time and maybe we can save ourselves from the great misery called Disappointment.

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