Islamic State of North America
This article from the report talks about a group that claims it will create The Islamic State of North America by 2050.
The paramount goal of the movement is the establishment of Islam as a complete way of life in America
The group says it has a six-point plan of action which is implemented at each location where a branch of the movement is established.
- Establishing a mosque "as a place to worship Allah in congregation and as a center of spiritual and moral training."
- "Calling the general society" to embrace Islam.
- Establishing a full-time school "that raises children with a strong Islamic identity so they can, as future Islamic leaders, effectively meet and deal with the challenges of growing up in the West."
- Establishing businesses to "make the movement financially stable and independent."
- Establishing "geographical integrity by encouraging Muslims of the community to live in close proximity" to the mosque.
- Establishing "social welfare institutions to respond to the need for spiritual and material assistance within the community as well as the general society."
There we go again... religion taking precedence over everything else that's far more important! So back to my initial question... where are we headed???